Sunday, January 3, 2010

Dear Facebook,

Dear Facebook,

While I am still very new to you and still green, riddle me this. Why is it that despite the 10,000 times I have clicked on a pregnancy or mommy related ad you have placed on my profile and put I wanted it gone b/c I found it 'offensive,' you STILL find it necessary to populate my sidebars with ads like 'Cutest Baby 2010 Contest' or 'Mommy? Get $10,000 now,' or my personal favorite, 'Join the Mommys Only Club!!'.

This must stop. I am trying to stay positive and I am not even sure how you, Facebook, know I am TTC. Obviously you didn't get the memo that the jme household is having a bit of trouble in that department. So, consider yourself notified, and enough with the baby shit already, m'kay?

I'm warning you,


1 comment:

  1. I swear facebook tracks the websites you visit or something. It is really annoying.
