Monday, August 16, 2010


So, this morning, I called my RE's office and left a voicemail for the IVF Donor nurse. I am a bit concerned that I haven't heard from her since she called to tell me a recipient had chosen my profile.

I am very worried that my insurance will not cover my IVF b/c my RE put me on BCP between IUI cycle this past spring. They told me that even with a letter, they still do not have to approve it. I am hoping that my RE's office has already gone ahead to send the letter, since the insurance needs it at least 60 days prior to the scheduled date of procedure.

I am also feeling a bit in the dark about what I should be doing right now, if anything. When am I supposed to start BCP? AF should be here by 8/18, and I feel like as the date approaches, I need to be up to speed on these things. I am worried that I need to have my blood tests done ASAP, but no one has told me anything.

The closer we get to the impending date, the more questions I have, and I feel like my IVF nurse has not really kept me in the loop.

We'll see what she says when (more like if) she calls me back today.

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