Wednesday, January 13, 2010

"The fact remains- you wanted a baby yesterday."

I had a great meeting with my RE today. The title of this post is something he said to me, while telling me he relates to IF depression, as "everything we do to get you there has that cloud hanging over it, so when it is a failure, that cloud just takes a little piece of you with it."

After talking at length about my options, Mr. jme and I have decided we are going to be doing Follistim injections + IUI + progesterone in the 2 WW as our plan of attack. My RE says we will do one cycle on, one cycle off, to give my body rest. If I don't have a BFP after our second medicated cycle, then he will be performing a laproscopy to see if what issues I may have (i.e. endo, cysts) that may be preventing me from getting KTFU. We will try 2 more cycles post-lap, and if no BFP by then, it is on to IVF we go.

I really felt pumped and excited when we left this morning. However, while sitting in the car a few minutes ago, my eyes welled up with tears as I thought of the prospect of another 8 months of fertility treatments, the cost to us, and I thought of my angel baby. I would be close to finding out the sex of my baby if he or she was still with us. Just the thought of how close I got to my dream, and now the lengths I am going through to achieve it, just take my breath away sometimes.

Well, I am anxiously about to head to my injectables class from 2-4. Needles don't scare me- I just want to make sure I am doing it right. A lot of my shots I will have to administer myself b/c I will be on the road for my lovely job.

I'll update again when I get out of class. Toodles.


  1. Oh sweetie, you have no idea how I hope this 1st IUI w/ injectibles does the trick for you. ((HUGS))

  2. I agree, I want this first IUI w/ injectables to work for you SO badly. I am praying for you that this is it! ((big hugs))
